ARTICLE 1 – Definition and conditions of the contest
TraceParts S.A.S, business registration number (SIRET) 433 949 625 000 19, headquartered at Parc Eco Normandie 76430 Saint-Romain, France, is organizing a free contest with no obligation to purchase. This operation is neither organized nor sponsored by Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. The contest is accessible via the website, the Facebook page, the Twitter page and the LinkedIn page from December 8, 2021 to January 8, 2022.
This document sets out the rules of the contest. It may be supplemented and/or modified at any time during the contest, by any additional clause that will come into effect simply by virtue of being published online by TraceParts.
ARTICLE 2 – Eligibility
The contest is open to any individual over 18 years of age with Internet access and a valid email address, residing in France or abroad. The contest is subject to the regulations of the French law on games and contests. The simple fact of participating in the contest implies the unconditional acceptance of these rules.
Only one entry is allowed per natural person for the entire period of the contest.
ARTICLE 3 – Contest dates
Start date of the contest: December 8, 2021 at 09:00 (nine a.m. in France)
End date of the contest: January 8, 2022 at 23:59 (eleven fifty-nine p.m. in France)
Date of the draw: January 11, 2022
Date of announcement of the winner: January 14, 2022
ARTICLE 4 – How to enter
4.1) Conditions for the submission of entries
The contest will be held place on and the three social networks Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn on the dates specified.
To enter the draw and attempt to win the prize, all Participants need to have carried out the following actions:
- Find a page with a specific form on
- Click the "Participate" button in the pop-up window and complete a form with their contact information: first name, last name, e-mail, and country.
- Share the contest on one of the social networks: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Registration for the draw is effective only after completing these steps.
4.2) Guarantees and responsibility for the validity of entries
Participation in the contest will be valid only if the information requested by TraceParts is complete and accurate. All entries made using incorrect or falsified information or via counterfeit or falsified forms will automatically be stripped of any right to win a prize.
All Participants therefore undertake to provide correct information about themselves. TraceParts declines all liability in the event that a Participant uses false first and/or last names associated with a valid e-mail address, or usurps the identity of a third party.
ARTICLE 5 – The prize
The prize to be won is a Creality Ender 6 Core-XY 3D printer worth 579 euros. The Organizing Company reserves the right to replace the prize with a prize of equivalent value or identical characteristics, without creating an entitlement to any claim in that respect. The prize will be awarded after contact between the Organizing Company and the winner.
ARTICLE 6 – Announcement of the winner
The winner will be determined by a random draw, to be performed on the database of people registered for the draws by TraceParts.
The winner agrees to the publication of their name on, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
ARTICLE 7 – Conditions of prize attribution
There will be only one prize for any one person.
The winner will be invited to provide more detailed contact information by return email (last name, first name, address, city, zip code, phone number, email address) in order to proceed with the delivery of the prize. The winner must provide a screenshot showing that they shared the contest on social networks.
If the information provided by the Participant is incomplete and/or does not make it possible to inform them of their win, they will forfeit winner status and shall not be entitled to make any claim in this respect.
The Organizer shall not be held liable in the event of technical failures affecting the notification of the winner by electronic means. If the winner does not communicate the above information within 10 days, they will forfeit winner status, and a second draw will then be carried out under the same conditions.
ARTICLE 8 – Nominative and personal data
The personal data collected on the Participants is mandatory and necessary for the processing of contest entries. They are intended for the Organizers, for the purpose of managing the contest.
Additionally, when providing their e-mail address, users may authorize TraceParts and/or its partners to use that address to send them commercial or marketing messages (such as newsletters).
With regard to Participants' rights in respect of their personal data, they are invited to read the TraceParts personal data management page, the content of which is an integral part of these rules.
Everyone who accesses and registers for the contest shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the rules in their entirety, without reservation, and in particular the article relating to personal data.
ARTICLE 9 – Rights and responsibilities
The Organizers:
- Reserve the right to modify, extend, shorten or cancel the contest, or to limit the winnings, in the event of force majeure as defined by case law. Consequently, they shall not be held liable for such an eventuality.
- Shall not be held liable for the fraudulent use of a Participant's connection rights or fraudulent attribution of a Participant's prize.
- Disclaim any liability in the event of a malfunction of the Internet, telephone lines, or reception equipment preventing the proper conduct of the contest. Furthermore, they shall under no circumstances be held liable for problems with the delivery or loss of electronic or postal mail.
- Disclaim any liability in the event of technical failures, or hardware or software anomalies of any kind (viruses, bugs, etc.) affecting the Participant's IT equipment or system and the data stored therein, and the potential consequences for their personal, professional or commercial activity.
The Participants:
- Shall be liable for the conformity of the information transmitted to the Organizer.
ARTICLE 10 – Filing of the rules
All the documents will be made available and accessible in English and French to all users and Participants for the duration of the contest. The latter are requested to make a backup copy and/or print out all the texts in order to be able to refer to them, if necessary.
ARTICLE 11 – Participation costs
The costs of connecting to the site in order to participate in the contest will not be reimbursed to Participants.
ARTICLE 12 – Juridiction
The present rules are governed by French law.
In the event of a dispute or claim concerning the contest for any reason whatsoever, requests must be sent in writing to TraceParts S.A.S by letter to the address mentioned in the preamble, during the period of the contest and within a maximum of sixty (60) days after the announcement of the winner.
In the event of a dispute or claim concerning the prize awarded, requests must be sent in writing to TraceParts S.A.S by letter or by e-mail to within seven (7) days after receiving confirmation of the prize.
The parties shall endeavor to resolve amicably any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these rules. If the disagreement persists, it will be submitted to the competent courts.
The Participant acknowledges having read these rules, accepts them without reservation, and agrees to comply with them.